Easily Download SoundCloud tracks and playlists to MP3

How do I download all of my SoundCloud likes?

  1. Copy any profile URL from
  2. Paste that same URL above.
  3. Hit the 'Download' button
  4. If you want to look at the tracks, or remove some, press 'Open track list'
  5. When you are ready, click 'Download' and all of the likes will start downloading to a ZIP file on your computer.

If you're stuck, visit the downloading likes tutorial for more help.

Browser Extension

Want to download SoundCloud tracks and playlists while browsing

Get our browser extension, which adds a download button to SoundCloud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I download my likes?

You might have trouble if you are downloading too many likes. This is because your browser has limited resources and may not be able to handle downloading a large amount of tracks.

Please consider using our desktop app, which allows you to download thousands of likes! 🥳

Is there a limit to how many likes I can download?

To save server costs, likes are limited to ~1000 downloads. If you would like to download your likes without restriction, try our desktop app!